凯莉·欧文·普莱茨(Carrie Owen Plietz)

凯莉·欧文·普莱茨(Carrie Owen Plietz)

Fache的Carrie Owen Plietz是Kaiser基金会健康计划和北加州医院的总裁。欧文·普莱茨(Owen Plietz)担任北加州凯撒(Kaiser Permanenraybat官网te Permanente)的所有护理和健康计划运营。作为该地区最大的非营利性健康计划,Kaiser Permanente提供了超过raybat官网成员通过其医院和北加州的医疗办公室。

Owen Plietz向Kaiser Permraybat官网anente执行副总裁,集团总裁兼首席运营官Care Express报告。

Owen Plietz joined Kaiser Permanente in November 2020. Prior to joining Kaiser Permanente, Owen Plietz spent nearly 5 years with Wellstar Health System in Atlanta where she served as executive vice president, chief operating officer for the organization’s Hospital Division, which includes 11 hospitals, multiple outpatient centers, nursing homes, and other facilities and services. Owen Plietz previously spent 17 years at Sutter Health, a Northern California regional integrated health care system, serving as both chief operating officer and chief administrative officer of multi-hospital entities, and finally as CEO of Sutter Medical Center in Sacramento.

欧文·普莱茨(Owen Plietz)目前担任美国医疗保健学院高管的主席,该学院在全球拥有48,000名成员,并且是医疗保健高管学习协会的主席。她获得了卫生保健管理的董事会认证,为ACHE研究员。

Owen Plietz拥有弗吉尼亚联邦大学医学院的健康管理和卫生法奖学金硕士学位,并拥有詹姆斯·麦迪逊大学(James Madison University)的卫生管理学士学位。